Deputy Vice-Chancellor

XX. xxxxx xxxxxx,
Ummi Khanam is MCA (Master Computer Application), she is National Secretary General of Floorball Federation of India, and Chairperson of ISCC Women Super-Cricket Committee, she has spend enormous contribution in sports administration nationally as well as internationally too, she is Director of International Student Exchange Cards India Limited, department of human Resource Development. She has visions to do the best in her life, in the fields of Sports and Education, she is also Director General of World Council for Regular & Distance Education..

XX. xxxxx xxxxxx,
Thiyagu Nagaraj, M.Com (IB)., (M.B.A).,(Ph.D.) is one of the nation's leading experts in sports and he also have research knowledge which is covered in the aspects of management, marketing and sports. He is also Assistant Secretary of the International Non-Olympic Committee (INOC) and Director General for International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum-INPPRF. Furthermore he also published research paper in reputed international and national journals.
Sports Career :
1. Assistant Secretary-International Non-Olympic Committee(INOC)
2. General Secretary-International Super-Cricket Committee(ISCC)
3. General Secretary - World Sports Karate Federation(WSKF)
4. Secretary General- Association of Sports Karate India(ASKI)
5. National Secretary-Floorball Federation of India(FFI)
6. National Secretary -Indian Super-Cricket Federation (ISCF)
7. National Director Chief Instructor- Ogasawara-Ha Shorinji-Ryu Karate(JAPAN)
8. International Member - International Combat Martial Arts Unions Association and World Seishin Budo Organization-Great Britain
9. Representative and Member - Martial Arts Olympic Organization-Iran
10. Ambassador - Martial Arts Association International-Germany
Print Media :
1. Publisher and Chief Reporter - The Non-Olympic Times
Finance Officer

XX. xxxxx xxxxxx,
Mr. Mohammed Sarfaraz ANSARI has had a distinguished career at Lucknow,
India an international business companies that has good infrastructure
an extensive network. As a Founder Secretary General of Indian Super-Cricket
Federation-ISCF and good relation with sports leaders and also with
governments, public institutions and corporations, and private individuals,
Mr. ANSARI has maintained a wide-ranging personal network of contacts
and is very well informed about current trends in globalization and
major issues on the World Sports, Social, Politics, Human Rights etc.
Mr. ANSARI is Executive Member of World Council
For Regular & Distance
Education-WCRDE, Former Secretary General of Woodball Federation of
India He is Director of International Student Exchange Cards India Limited,
department of finance. And Director, Meraj Realty & Infrastructures
Pvt. Ltd.
Additional Controller of Examinations

XX. xxxxx xxxxxx,
Ms. Anubha Rastogi is a skilled young professional with integrity,
committed to quality and excellence. She has background of business
& management. After completing her BBA with specialization in Economics,
she is pursuing MBA to get deeper knowledge of management facts and
sharpen her skills to tackle with any situation in this competitive
era of business world. Besides her academic education she is actively
involved in the following activities.
1. Senior Home Nursing Certificate of St. John Ambulance.
2. Senior and Voucher Certificate of First Aid from St. John Ambulance.
3. First Aid Certificate from Civil Defense, Lucknow.
4. Training of Trainers Certificate of UEVRP (GoI-UNDP, DRM PROGRAM)
5. DCA from Rashtriya Saksharta Mission.
6. Certificate of Computer Fundamentals, MS-Office, Internet and Soft
Skills from NCVT.
7. Civil Defense advance Warden Service Certificate from Central Civil
Defense Training Institute, Lucknow.
8. Certificate of successful participation in Capacity Building Program
for Disaster Management from SDMA, Lucknow.
Additional Director

XX. xxxxx xxxxxx,
Rakesh Jain, In every walk of life I treated customer and its
values on the top – let it be internal or external customer. I accepted the
challenges of my organization, team and customers by leading, creating
professional benchmarks. My dictum is “GIVE YOUR 200 % with 100% ACCURACY and
“NEVER SAY NO ‘’ attitude has given me front seats brought laurels anywhere.
*My major tenure has been in BHEL (MAHARATNA CO, A global
engineering enterprise providing solutions for a better tomorrow)
- successfully carved a niche and established new Business Set up ( SPARES AND SERVICES BUSINESS GROUP _ SSBG LUCKNOW) in one of
biggest State of India namely U.P.
- formulating ; launching change strategies, policy implementation processes and systems by way of INTERNAL AUDIT MANUAL, growth of
, technology-cum-business alliances, Export Business, Business initiatives at
unit and Division level over two decades.
*More than years in Power /Transmission sector business in different capacities and responsibilities
like Marketing, Tendering, Project management which includes Project Planning
Project Execution, Heading Marketing Center, Commercial Management, Internal
Auditing, Maintenance of Sub Stations, Export Business, Managing BHEL
Education Society, Preparation of MIRs , ISO Coordination to name a few
;with an expertise in Commercial Project Management (14 RM Projects both
Thermal and Hydro handled).
Major Key Achievements :
Minimum 10% growth in Order Booking on each year basis
raising from 170 Cr to 250 Cr (more than 100% target) in last
three years
- Contributing almost 200 Cr + level (almost 200% of target)
each year as cash collected from different Customers in BHEL kitty.
- Enhancing business by way of Rate Contract basis.
- Standardization of Terms and Conditions with various utilities.
- Successful Commissioning of 200 MW Thermal Set after RM.
- Successful Commissioning of 50 MW Hydro Set after RM.
- imely execution of Export Orders to Countries like Greece, Jordon, Malaysia etc.
- Excellent Customer relations.
- Enormous capacity of handling RM Projects (presently handling 14 Projects)
- Preparation and publication of BHEL Audit Manual.
- Managing CBSE College having more than 1200 Students with 70 Teachers for consecutive 3 years.
- Balance Sheet Auditing and finalization in consultation
with External Auditors for 3 Years of BHEL Jhansi Plant.
*Few Strategies adopted for achievement:
- Analysis of each requirement of Customer
- Analyzing market prices and demand and then quote for better business opportunity
- Effective follow-up for execution / Project Management of R&M Jobs.
- Achieving bulk business by way of Customer education at their utilities
- To look after Customer problems on top most priority.
- Making systems and following automation.
* After superannuation from BHEL as General Manager presently looking after Special Projects of M/s Baldota Control and Equipments as DIRECTOR.
* Apart from technical expertise great interest in Academics visible as
- Part time Guest Faculty in Ansal Management Institute Lucknow.
-Evening Classes
- Faculty Member of UP TOURISM (GOVT. OF U.P.) _ BBA CLASSES
- Faculty Member in Jhansi Chapter of Cost accountants
Post Graduate
Diploma in Marketing Management
Annamalai University, Chennai, India (1996) In Ist Division
Masters of Arts ---- Economics
Kanpur University, Kanpur, India (1982) In Ist Division
Bachelor of Engineering - Electrical
IIT-Roorkee , India (1974) - In Ist Division with Hons.
* Professional Experience in detail
- Present Organization:
Baldota Control Equipments as DIRECTOR SPECIAL PROJECTS (April-2013-Till date)
- Organization: BHEL SSBG LUCKNOW Superannuated as GENERAL MANAGER (JAN. 2007 –Jan 2013)
- Organization: BHEL ROD LUCKNOW as Dy. GENERAL MANAGER (July 2005 –Nov.2006)
- Organization:BHEL Jhansi as Manager to Sr. Dy. General Manager (Aug. 1991 -- July 2005)
- Organization: BHEL Patna as Manager (Jun 1990 – Aug. 1991)
- Organization: BHEL ROD Lucknow as Manager (Feb. 1977 – Nov.1978. And Nov.1979 -- Jun 1990)
- Organization: Ministry of Electricity Libya as Expert. (Nov.1978 – Nov.1979)
- Organization: BHEL Haridwar as Engineer to Manager (Aug.1975–Feb.1977)
- Organization: UPSEB as Trainee (Jan. 1975-July 1975 )