Joined the Armed Forces in 1961 as a student in the “Preliminary Officers School” (Royal Cadet School). Graduated from the “Royal Military Academy” in 1969 and specialized as Infantry Officer but was immediately selected for the “Special Forces”. Spent nearly his whole career in the Special Forces in different functions and was involved in real military operations in Africa and former Yugoslavia. Became Chief of the Belgian CISM Delegation in 1997, was elected in the CISM Board of Directors and as CISM European President in 1998.
Expert in Management of big national and international sport organizations.
Expert and adviser in external and internal security matters and protection for individuals during important events. Knowledge about travel and stay in more than 70 foreign countries. (About 40 in Europe, 15 in Africa, 10 in Asia and 5 in the Americas).
Multi-sportsman with special backgrounds in Handball, Football and Tennis.

Maryam Koushkie Jahromi
Asst. Prof. Maryam Koushkie Jahromi is Ph.D of exercise physiology , assistant professor of Shiraz University since 2003 and Head of the Physical Education Department at Shiraz University. She is executive board member of International association of physical education and sport for girls and women since 2009.
She is an Assistant Professor specializing in exercise physiology and women’s health, and Islam and women in sport. Maryam has published many articles and books in nationally and internationally. She has been the first best student in PhD entrance exam of exercise physiology at 1998 in Iran.
She has been a scientific board member of several national and international sport science and physical education conferences in Iran. She is editorial board member or advisor of some journals. She has presented at many conferences including in Canada, China, Oman, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.

Humberto Nuno Lopes Mendes de Oliveira
”My career was for twenty years as Professor at Lusíada University in Lisbon, Portugal currently I’m responsible for its Printing House. In the field of Sports I was on the creation of sportive Goju-Ryu karate Federations in Europe and then at a World level for more than 30 years now. That gave me the opportunity to travel around the world meet different cultures and to set a world range of contacts mainly in the fields of academic competence (History) as well as in sports, mainly in karate, obviously”

Gilberto Pauciullo
The Prof.Gilberto Pauciullo is Director in staff at Head Office and Land Registry Fees TURIN (ITALY), started practicing martial arts in 1958 and has trained more than three thousand black belts in both civil and over 800 black belts in the military. In late 1972, with the Master Hiroshi Kimura founded the first Italian Federation of Kendo and Iaido in 1982 with the late Grandmaster Masafumi Suzuki organized the first official meetings of Mixed Martial Arts in Hong Kong. Grandmaster Gilberto Pauciullo is one of the few Western possession of a diploma signed not only by O Sensei Suzuki but also by O Sensei Sasakawa. E 'was named Veteran of the Italian National Olympic Committee Sport. Over the past 10 years has received 158 international awards such as Teacher of the year and has founded several organizations of Martial Arts. The GM. G.Pauciullo is also one of the last Guardians of the Martial Art Masters Historic Traditional Italian and is also president of the ITMI (Institute for Italian Martial traditions), collaborates with several Martial Arts and Tactical Weapons Magazine , is author of several books and is an expert in tactics and weapons .

Dr. Arup Barman
Dr. Arup Barman, Associate Professor, at Deptt. of Business Administration, JNSMS, Assam University, Silchar. He is Ph.D, a recipient of Post Doctoral Research Award from UGC, 2009-2011 (India); Accredited Management Teacher (AMT) of AIMA, New Delhi. He received scholarship from Global Development Network (GDN) and Centro de plementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad yel Crecimienton (CIPPEC), Argentina: FCE (honoris causa) issued under the academic treaty signed with Consortium Euro-American; Best Reviewer Award, 2011 by JMS managed by Non Olympic Times (NOT) under International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum (INPPRF); MTC-Global Award 2011.
A Member (Honoris), Grand Council of Royal Spiritual and Healing Counsel; Member of Advisory Board of World Center for Academic Excellence and Research (WCAER), India; Full Member of International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence, Germany; Member of Researcher Alliance for Development (RAD), World Bank; Fellow, Indian Society of Business Management (FISBM), Chennai; Fellow of Agri-Horticultural Society (FHAS), India; Director (Hony.) IRDC (CCLP-Worldwide, Consultative to ECOSOC, UN); Scientific consultant of Lumen Publishing House (Romania), within the activities of International Conference Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty (LUMEN-2013, till 2016).

Syed Khawar Shah
Wrestling (Desi Kushti) takes place in a clay or dirt pit.
Kushti was developed in the Mughal Era in India 15th to 18th century). The player of the games are called Pehlwans, while the experienced pehalwans become teachers are known as Ustaad, or guru (teachers).
Pehlwan (Wrestlers) belong to gyms called akharas, where wrestlers live under strict rules. There are still many akharas and very popular in Pakistan, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, USA, Canada and England.
The undefeated champions as “Rustan” like Rustam of province or Rustam of country, Rustam-i- Asia or World. .
Wrestling competitions, known as dangals, held, International Kushti Federation has organize two Indo-Pak Dangals and 3rd Indo-Pak Dangal will be held on January 2013 at Lahore and Faisalabad. In future we have program to organize Rustam-i-World and invitation will be extended to the National Kushti Federations and date will be fixed with the concerned of the participating countries.

Jimmy Ooi
A distinguished member of the local community in Switzerland with an established business in educational travel for over 25 years. A leading member of the Executive Committee of the national travel association, board member of a tourism school, advisor to international community foundations, President of the Switzerland Rotary Club, business award honouree and director of a number of companies with global network of corporate, government and public institution contacts and is active in humanitarian and socio-economic issues worldwide.

Prof. Seyed Ahmad Taleghani
Job: Employer of Spain Asepro company and Iran Water company , teach martial Arts and psychologist too , Personal skills and competences :Good in organising groups of people, managing them and team work, attended many social Martial Arts and Zen and Meditation seminar as an instructor and have experience in giving speech and presentations Education: two Doctorate In Martial Arts from Ireland, U.S.A , and Psychology from Canada Certificate : Kung Fu Dragon Boxing 8th Dan 7th Dan in Kenpo Ryu & Ju Jutsu & Kobudo & 8 Th Dan Shorin Ryu Krate, and 6th Dan Shin Kan Goshin Jutsu 5th Dan Sishin Kan Karate President and Founder of World Free Spirit Arts Federation & World Kung Fu Dragon Boxing Organization, I Have organized many seminars of Martial Arts and Zen and Meditation around the world, I have done special Demonstration with the katana ( Samurai Sword) with the tied eyes in front of her Majesty the Queen of England and the king of Spain. Best instructor in Martial Arts seminar in UK 2005&2010 and the best head Coach in the World Karate Championships in Turkey 2007 and Establishing a Martial Arts Club in the Tehran /Iran 1980and Instructing Kung Fu there for Six years, also teaching Kung Fu at The Islamic Republic Air Force of Iran in the same years. And establish Kung Fu Dragon Boxing from 1989 in Tehran Iran. Being a supervision and a head Coach of Isshin Ryu Karate Kobudo Team in Iran and the Middle East since the year 2000. Establish World Free Spirit Arts Federation in Uk with Master Martin Blackburn 1998 I am Founder and president of Kung Fu Dragon Boxing in the world,

Dr.Faig Rafiyev
Dr.Faig Rafiyev was born in 1973 in Imishli city of the Azerbaijan Republic. From 7 years old he began to train with Wrestling, Heavy Athletic, Karate, Free-Fighting sport styles. In 14 years old He was a Champion on Heavy Athletic in the Tournament of between Regions. The same year he was deserved to the 1-st place on Wrestling in the Tournament of Regions and Zones.In 15 years old first time he was a Champion of Republic on Wrestling and the same year he was a winner of the Tournaments of Regions and Zones.In 17 years old second time he was a Champion of the Republic on Wrestling and from that year he parted from wrestling and began to train with East Free Fighting Styles Karate,Kyokushinkay,Ashihara Karate,Ashihara Budokay, Free-fighting, Enshin Karate and Kick-boxing).In 1992 he was deserved to the 1-st Dan Black Belt in the belt test on Kyokushinkay Karate on Tehran, Iran. In 1994 he won 1-st place in the Iran Championship on Ashihara Karate. The same year he was deserved 2-nd Dan Black Belt on Ashihara Karate.In 1996 he was a winner of International Tournament in Kiyev, Ukraine.;In 1997 he gave Belt tests from Ashihara Karate,Ashihara Budokay, Free-fighting and was deserved to the 3-rd Dan Black Belt.The same year he won 2-nd place in the Asian Championship in Iran. In 1997-2002 he was a President of Ashihara Karate Organization. In 1997 he was a winner of the International Tournament on Full-Contact in Italy. In 2000 he was a winner of the International Tournament on Full-Contact in India. Since 2002 he is a President of World Budo Federation Representative of Asian and Azerbaijan. In 1998 he was deserved 4-th Dan Black Belt,in 2000 5-th Dan Black Belt,in 2003 6-th Dan Black Belt and he was a World Champion. For his serves in World Federation he was deserved in 2004 7-th Dan Black Belt and in 2006 8-th Dan Black Belt from 3-rd World Federation. In 2004 second time he was a World Champion on Budo.From 2003 till 2007 he took hes Team to the World Championships, Europe Championships and International Tournaments on Karate, Budo, Kick-boxing, Hapkido, Free-fighting and he has about 50 Champions amongst his Tournaments. These achievements are growing up day by day. Since 2007 he is a General Secretary of W.A.M.O. also technical vice president of WASKO, World Budo Federation Vice President.2008 January Founded World Sabaki Jitsu Karate Federation & he was deserved to the 9th Dan Black Belt. in January 2009 deserved 16 World Federation to the 10th Dan Black Belt. and Founder and Vice President of World Budo Martial Arts Federation and deserved Grandmaster Dr. degree.

Bouazza Kamli
Master Bouazza Kamli , Président –Directeur Technique
Association Sportive et Culturelle Essalama Arts Martiaux Oulmes Morocco, Master Instructor level 1. Fitness /Aérobic, Ceinture Noire 5 eme Dan Karate Shotokan, 5 eme Dan Karate kyokushinkai, 4 eme Dan Karate Gojitsu-Ryu, 5 eme Dan Full Contact –Kick Boxing-Muay thai-
5 eme Dan Self defense, 4 eme Dan martial arts police methods.
2nd Dan Zen Do Ka Freestyle Karate & Kickboxing, 2nd Dan Koryu-Bujutsu, 2nd Dan Ju-jutsu , Is An Official Representative Of Morocco : MODERN WARRIOR ARTS UNION (U.S.A).
Madison Martial Arts Academy
International Martial Arts union (Canada)

Dr. Amir Hosein Zalaghi
I am Dr. Amir Hosein Zalaghi chairman faculty physical education and martial arts of west coast university also member of international academic council of west coast university have doctorate philosophy in physical education. I am member of management of west coast university.

Lyle Charlie Quandji Nana
I ´m a long time experiences Sport and Fitness Trainer. I have a Master Grad in Martial Arts (Taekwondo, Hwarang Musul, Pankrations Athlima, Muay Thai .... Arts and Soke in ZTM martial Arts System. As Fondator and President of USCUMA e.V ( UNITED SPIRIRT CULTURE AND MARTIAL ARTS GERMANY ) and VIVANTES HUMANITAS ( CAMEROON) I have good relation and knowledge with world sports leaders , public institutions , NGO and private individuals . With my associations and my Background I ´m very open and ready for all kind of Cooperation. We are actors of globalization and provider in World Sports, Social, Politics, Development sectors.

Dr. Martin Sewer
Dr. Martin Sewer, 8. Dan (Black Belt) is one of the very few Western scholars to have received his martial arts training in a traditional way in Hong Kong (China). He was over 40 times in Hong Kong in the famous school of Grandmaster Dr. Chiu Chi Ling (10. Dan), the current head of the Hung Gar Kung Fu (Chiu Chi Ling Lineage). Dr. Sewer is a real Kung Fu Master specialized in the Hung Style (Hung Gar or Hung Kuen) of southern Shaolin. He's knowledge include the fighting arts, the philosophy and the health-care part of this ancient art.
Dr. Sewer is director and the head- instructor at the well-known Martial Art school KUNG FU SCHULE MARTIN SEWER AG as well an internationally renowned lecturer often teaching in Europe and Asia. He has published many articles on techniques and history of traditional Kung Fu and has written four books.

Prof.Abdolreza Shahrabi Farahani
About Soke Hanshi – 10Th Dan of Karate Shinkakuto Jutsu
Doshu Prof.Abdolreza Shahrabi Farahani
Date & Place of Birth: 09 / 08 / 1978 – Iran-Tehran.
Appointment’s: President of the Chi University = CUOM.
Higher Expert of refractory disease treated with acupuncture. World Founder & Doshu of International karate Shinkakuto Jutsu Federation.
General-Director of United Nations Martial Arts. General-Director of Martial Arts Olympic Committee - MAO SPORTS.
General-Director of International Ju-Jitsu Federation - IJJF. General-Director of International Kimuchino Aikido Federation. General-Director of World Soubukai Karate-Do of Japan – Tokyo.
General-Director of International Judo Kano Union. General-Director of ASD-AJJIF-ITALIA – Global Federation.